Saturday, July 4, 2009

Something that concerned me...

I have been seeing this all over the internet! President Obama is telling mothers to go back to school to further their education using govt money...WHAT govt. money? Don't we need to STOP spending??? Also, I assume we should put our children in govt subsidized childcare, and utilize all the entitlements there are...
How about telling families to save more, spend less, and if you can't afford education now, save for it!! Not to mention the potential for familial break down when both spouses are working/educating full time. Don't get me wrong, I am not against education, but what about the education of our children? Isn't mommy the best teacher?? Who loves our children more than mommy? Don't our children need more than "social skills"? Like lessons in unselfishness, manners, The Bible, obedience, and *gasp* the opportunity to be home and share in its upkeep and maintenance. Don't they need chances to be with mommy and daddy in an unpressured envirnment to ask questions, play games, learn work ethic, etc?

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please be kind, folks:) Differences of opinion are fine, but let the love of Christ reign here...