Friday, June 26, 2009

been a long day

We are currently preparing for the weekend at our house, which includes my husband's 14 hour shift on Saturday, before Sunday church, where he preaches. This weekend, we will be going south to visit his family, including his mother, who has been battling cancer the last year or so. She isn't doing very well, and we are fearing that she may be nearing the end. Hubby's brother will be there with his family, and his sister lives in the area and has invited us to come pick peas, as hers are going crazy! His dad also told us to come prepare to pick cherries, as he hasn't had time to do so(due to taking care of Hubby's mom).
I have also been following the preparation leading up to the Reformation 500 Celebration through Vision Forum and wish I could attend!!(visit It looks sooo fun.
I am also currently trying to find the time to lay out and cut out a skirt pattern( I know I know, stop typing and go do it..) How do other people with multiple children EVER find the time to sew? Especially when you live in a small house?
Enjoying the quiet before bed...maybe I will actually get devotions done tonight, though I keep on meaning to do what they suggest in Passionate Housewives, and have my Bible reading time during the day, and include them in it...
Has anyone else ever done the dress test? I have been trying to wear dresses more, not just for Sunday. That is why I am trying to sew a skirt. Anyway, the idea is that people treat you different in a dress, and that you even feel different, more womanly, more feminine, etc. So, I am trying it, even though I really don't have enough dresses...hence the sewing...okay, I'll drop that get the idea.
And guess What!? Baby took a bottle before bed this evening, instead of nursing...I was just too hot and sweaty...Hey, weaning has to come sometime, and when I am hot, the last thing I feel like doing is nursing...

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please be kind, folks:) Differences of opinion are fine, but let the love of Christ reign here...