Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thoughts Concerning Church

After having been exposed to the family integrated church concept, I have decided(with hubby's support) to bring my children with me into services. I have been doing so now for over six months. I struggle, as the wife of a pastor, to keep my young ones under control for the hour of the service. They are 5, 4, and 1. The older two get bored and the baby either squirms or screams after a bit. I have tried to bring a few quiet toys and paper and pencil, and such with me into service, but it only serves to distract for a little while. I want my children to love church, to look forward to going to church, and I hate having to be stern and disapproving all the time at church, just to keep them in line. Don't get me wrong, I think our boys are fairly obedient, but we did send them to jr. church the first 18 months of going to this church, and now I think, we are reaping the consequences. I have to hold the baby on my lap, which means my ability to hold either of the other two is limited. The older boys cannot touch the floor when sitting on the pew, and therefore, their legs get tired. I was given the idea of sitting down with the children at home and listen to preaching tapes and practice sitting there quietly for a slot of minutes at a time. I want to do this, but it is on my never ending list that never quite makes it in. Any suggestions?
I'll post the thoughts on why this is important next time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure many people would argue that little ones belong in the nursery, but if parents are led by the Lord to have their kids in the service then we should support them. After all, didn't Jesus say let the children come to Him? Your mom just taught that to my girls in Jr. church :-) The suggestion to practice at home is a good one! We train them for everything, why should this be different? As for not having the time, make the time, girl!! What matters for eternity, those dishes? tidy home? children that love the Lord? I support you in this and I will take on anyone who complains about your physical house not being in order!:-)
    We all need to give ourselves permission to quit feeling guilty and just do what God leads us to do. It's our spiritual house that needs to be in order, not the earthly one.


please be kind, folks:) Differences of opinion are fine, but let the love of Christ reign here...